Mike Huckabee Calls For Prosecution Of Politically Biased FBI Agents

by Nick Givas


Former Republican Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee called for the prosecution of politically biased FBI agents, on “Fox & Friends” Monday, and said the agency needs to clean house.

“I think, you know, at some point, somebody’s got to take a good Dyson vacuum cleaner to go over to the FBI and just clean out the leadership. Because there’s something wrong at the top,” Huckabee said.

“There needs to be, then, accountability for those who are being cleaned out and there’s still some there that shouldn’t be. The rank and file deserve better leadership than this,” he continued, adding:

They’re good people in the FBI. They’re good, hard-working people of integrity that are disgusted with what’s happened to their agency that they committed themselves to. And they deserve better leadership. And I’m really hoping that there will be people truly held accountable. Not just fired, but I’m talking about truly held accountable. And some need to be prosecuted for using their positions as a political weapon.



Huckabee had been discussing stories from The New York Times and The Washington Post about the FBI’s inquiry into President Donald Trump’s supposed connection with Russia and said the agency’s actions should scare the public.

“What scares me the most is if the FBI can decide on its own to go and investigate a duly elected president of the United States and just decide to go after him because they want to — guys I’m going to tell you something, this is incredibly damaging to the way our constitutional republic is supposed to work,” he said.

“And for me there was a bombshell. And it wasn’t that President Trump made a joke about [former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s] 30,000 emails,” he added. “What is a bombshell is that you have the highest law enforcement agency in the country that decides to go after on a clandestine investigation, the president of the United States.”

Huckabee also said there appears to be a political double standard and claimed the reaction would have been different if former Presidents Bill Clinton or Barack Obama were the ones being accused.

“Tell me, what do you think would be the reaction if the FBI had decided to investigate Barack Obama, Bill Clinton or anybody else for that matter just because they had heard something based on rumor?” he said. “This is really, really scary stuff if you stop and think about it.”

“Let’s see if the [inspector general] or the [Department of Justice] do anything about that. Don’t hold your breath,” co-host Steve Doocy concluded.

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Nick Givas is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Nick on Twitter.











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